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Support teachers and local school districts to provide amazing educational opportunities for students and their families​


While important progress has been made, Mari-Lynn knows more can be done to assure excellence in our public schools in Kansas. She would like to:


  • Fully fund special/gifted education using state dollars so local school districts can spend their own money in general education classrooms.

  • Let local school districts make the best decisions for their own areas and fight costly overreach from the state legislature.

  • Continue to address the growing teacher shortage crisis by providing scholarships and incentives to both new and current teachers.

  • Keep tax dollars in public schools and prevent the siphoning of public money to subsidize private schools.

Maintain safe and healthy communities by funding our public safety budgets and expanding mental health and addiction services​


In Topeka, Mari-Lynn advocates to keep our communities strong and secure. She would like to:


  • Invest in evidence-based mental health and addiction services for both children and adults.

  • Ensure public safety budgets are funded to protect our communities.

  • Expand Medicaid to cover 150,000 more Kansans and bring back billions of Kansas dollars to our economy.

  • Keep the legislature out of your private medical decisions.

  • Advocate for common-sense and evidence-based public safety policies to reduce gun violence and save lives.

Expand our vibrant economy with tax policies that are fiscally responsible, sustainable, and equitable that build on our successes in recent years​


Mari-Lynn is proud to support the Kansas Framework for Growth, Governor Kelly's initiative that resulted in multi-year record-breaking capital investment in Kansas. To keep that momentum, she would like to:


  • Advance innovative policies that help Kansas businesses attract and retain employees.

  • Lower taxes for Kansans, prioritizing what will benefit working families the most, including property taxes, food sales tax, and childcare tax credits.

  • Protect our seniors by increasing eligibility for our Safe Senior Property Tax Relief program.

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